Good Run

And so , it begins. It begins with a starting point , but then , at some point , it has an ending point. The so-called “start to finish” journey. You get the taste of that journey with everything. Destined to knock on your door naturally , and then destined to close the door on you , either for the painful bad or for the greater good. I had to determine how long this path would last. You have a combination of paths that contain massive bumps , even if the struggle was worth it. I seen it in person. I seen it on television. All angles and all perspectives. This run lives on to be a powerful run. A powerful , patriotic run. I have never seen a run quite as unique and as magnificent as this one before. It is up until this point , where you do all that you can to keep the momentum and energy fueling , and during this run is lots of bloody bangs to the head. The psyop is tremendous. The road to the finish line took its toll. Trust me , I can feel the pain even though I am hundreds of miles away. I relate to this brutal game. The psychological warfare. Iran hard. I even wanted a little piece of justice for the message that I ran off with. To get that point across even by expressing it through multiple computer routes means that I had at least a type of audience there to be mentally and visually nourished with my point of view , even if it sparked a “hater” in them.

This run may seem like a long one , but with everything moving at the speed of light the way it is , it’s a completely short one. Doesn’t matter , because no matter how fast and short this journey is , I was designed to leave a type of legacy behind , even if it meant being verbally attacked. The clock is ticking by the hours , days , weeks , and months. I am running out of time , but at the same time , I still got time with my whole life ahead of me. This route contains a piece of a message. A lesson meant to trigger a learning experience through the mind and out the other. I witness the entire scenario , such as when one is being slandered , ridiculed and bashed everywhere , but that is common when you are on top. They try to bring your ass down , and they will stop at nothing to stop you. Well , as we all learned from that mid 90s comedy movie , “you win some and you lose some”. So I seen the W as well as the L but also different forms of it. Yeah you couldn’t have it all like even an invincible dynasty must come crashing down , whether it be a 3-year run , a 5-year run or even a 10-year run. The whole tornado went up and everyone had seen the rise of an era which contained the fans as well as the furious. Once I witnessed the beginning of the end , I could see the hourglass , but I wasn’t sure if somehow that hourglass could be regenerated.

So the hourglass hits its mark , or basically has residues of sand cascading down to the floor of the glass , indicating an upcoming expiration date. I have a little bit of time left until I see the end of this passage that I put my life into , from one chapter to the next. This could also refer to entering a brand new realm to where I would be spiritually awakened literally , and I would have to hope that my consciousness becomes completely purified at that point of no return. But from a physical standpoint , the hard knock life turns into a mental psyop type of video game to play , with potential life-or-death scenarios that come with it , depending on how much hazards is attached to them. I felt their pain when they came up short. I felt their pain when they tried to fix the corruption. I felt their pain when they took a type of psychological beating live on television , and I felt their pain when they had an upside down facial expression. Even to this day , you can feel this type of pain , when it looks as if the sense of returning to “normalcy” is long gone , when you have those pulling the strings preventing you from taking care of your own regular business. You feel as if they have an evil demonic agenda. Like as if they are all out to get you , but don’t worry , you are definitely not alone right here.

So with time running out more and more , and with peace and harmony seemingly out of reach , the only option is to rise up , even if it means succumbing at the express of free will. If history occurs a handful of times before , then it is destined to occur , once again , under the sun , between patriots and tyrants. One life to live , to where there’s nothing left , unless we as a gathering group can take back what was ours from the very beginning without it being stripped away from us. Either way , that would show just how much blood we are willing to shed with this little time frame left over that we have remaining. We can get the last laugh or we could still perish leaving a droplet of a legacy saying that our time was limited at the expense of the clock winding down. The battle was on , and so here we are , you and I , with this final stand because we know that based on all the warning signs around us we knew that the great tribulation was drawing ever so close , and we knew that the revolution would kick in physically and mentally based on a tyrannical takeover plot. The satanic signs were showing , and so before you know it , we are in the fight of our lives. This type of scenario happens in pretty much any dimension , so truth be told , there is always that “End Times” breaking point. The finish line arrives everywhere and even here , but don’t worry we will all have good runs since they all naturally come to a conclusion to reflect and look back on with flying colors.

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